June 2024

The global economic pulse: governments versus transnational corporations.

June 2024

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Legal Observatory Ee – The Supreme Court has determined that, when undue payments made under installment payments are refunded, the accrual of interest for late payment begins on the date of payment of the excessive installment payment.

June 2024

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April 2024

The most dynamic states in the United States of America

April 2024

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Legal Observatory Ee – The Supreme Court determines that there is no ISD taxable transaction when spouses married in community of property regime subscribe shares charged to the private assets of only one of them.

April 2024

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Legal Observatory Ee: The Supreme Court recognizes the right of taxpayers to claim through full nullity of IIVTNU settlements even if they are final, in cases where there was no increase in the value of the land.

April 2024

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